Why I blog


A client asked me the other day why I blog.











I didn’t have to think about that much.  There are several reasons why I blog.

  1. I love to build things.  I was a landscaped contractor for years.  I loved seeing the finished product of a new landscaping job.  The design and finished beautiful product was great.  But the upkeep not so much.  I like to see the big difference.  So it is the same way with a blog.  You add a new page each day and then over a year you have 365 new pages.  It is a big new website.
  2. It is my way of giving back.  It is free information for any web surfer out there.  I know answers to lots of questions that first time home buyers ask.  I know answers to questions that puzzle buyers and sellers.  Questions they do not have answers to.   So many time I just write what just happened that day or that week.  I’m helping people.  They may not be my client.  They may be from across the country.  They may never use me, contact me, or say thanks but I helped them.  That gives me a good feeling inside.
  3. I blog to talk about my experiences, to make a connection with the readers of my blog.  Out of a thousand only one may pick up the phone and contact me to buy or sell a house.  But it helps my business.  That is the primary reason.  I blog to build a relationship with clients to get business.

And along the way I have given out good solid information to help others.  It’s a great way to do business.

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Metro Detroit mold issues

Canton Township’s Liberty Festival

Duck Lake Highland Michigan

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