Tipsico Lake Livingston County MI

Tipsico Lake Livingston County MI

Here is a list of homes that were sold at Tipsico Lake Livingston County Michigan in the last year. A total of 4 homes sold.Tipsico Lake Livingston County Michigan is out in the country. It has a mixture of homes with the Up North feeling of woods and gravel roads. The lake itself is an all sports lake with 301 acres and 27 feet deep with public access. Livingston County Tipsico Lake Michigan is located in Rose and Holly Township. For more information about Tipsico Lake in Livingston County Michigan or any other lakes go to or If you would like to see the lake and is thinking of buying on Tipsico Lake give me a call on my cell (248)310-6239. As of 8-1-12.
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8169 TIPSICO TRL1250001180008112.810710461946N
8443 Tipsico2209002220006147.410315061969N
6224 TIPSICO LAKE RD369900335000105107.268631232002N
8850 TIPSICO LAKE RD48990046000027135.214534021979N
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