I just don’t understand people sometimes

I just don’t understand people sometimes


I woke up to the morning news that I guy from Allen Park shot and dismembered his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend.  I’m from Allen Park and it is such a nice bedroom community that the news shocked me.  But what I do not get is why anybody would kill an ex?  I never get that.  Is it worth spending the rest of your life in jail for?  Is anybody worth that?  Most murderers get caught.  So why do so many people do it.

To the ex’s – Think about it.  You have been harassing this poor women since you broke up with her.  Her family and friends know about it and do not like you.  Don’t you think that their her family is going to point the police to you.  Are you stupid?  Of course the answer is yes.  But why take somebodies life because they don’t love you anymore?

Move on with your life is my thought.  There are lots of people out there looking for love and a good person.  I hope that people realize that their life is worth living even though they lost their love.

I will never get the senseless killings of ex’s, but I hope people think about all the other people they are hurting instead of thinking about themselves.

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