Maple Hill Subdivision Northville Twp MI

Maple Hill Subdivision Northville Twp MI

Northville real estate
Northville real estate





Are you curious how many homes were sold at Maple Hill Subdivision Northville Twp Michiganbecause you are thinking of buying in Northville Twp Maple Hill Subdivision? I have done the work for you. Listed are 4 homes that were sold in the last year. Maple Hill Subdivision Northville Michigan is desirable, with updated kitchens and bathrooms. There is approximately 178 homes in the subdivision. Give me a call on my cell on (248) 310-6239  If you are thinking of selling your home or interested in buying in Northville Twp. For additional information on Northville go to the links on the side As of 7-24-12

17651 MAPLE HILL DR289800281000143117.083324001988N
17445 CAMERON DR3280003150004109.412928791988N
17913 MAPLE HILL DR3159003225006121.7926481987N
17113 MAPLE HILL DR32990033500025131.941725391986N


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