Selling Home Tips 7 – West Bloomfield Homes

Selling Home Tips 7 – West Bloomfield Homes
West Bloomfield Michigan

Ready to sell your West Bloomfield Home? The market is good right now, so what a better time. When you do choose to sell your West Bloomfield Home here are 7 Selling Home Tips to make this whole process less stressful when the time comes. Remember West Bloomfield is an upscale area, you want your home to be just as beautiful.

West Bloomfield Michigan
West Bloomfield Michigan

1) Put dirty dishes in the dishwasher and try and wash several times a day if your agent has been showing your home frequently.

2) Always put kids’ toys back in their rooms.

3) Create focal points throughout the house.  Add fresh flowers in the kitchen, or dining room, or bathroom.

4) You may have to paint anyway, especially if dirt has accumulated in spots or you have an outdated color scheme. Painting makes a home look fresh and new on the inside and never fails to impress.  A freshly painted home will always show better and sell quicker.

5) Is your landscaping at least average for the neighborhood? If it is not, buy a few bushes and plant them. Do not put in trees. Mature trees are expensive, and you will not get back your investment. Also, immature trees do not really add much to the appearance value of the home.

6) As owners, we usually have too much furniture in our rooms. This is wonderful for our own personal enjoyment, but when it comes to selling we need to thin out as much as possible to make rooms appear larger. Less is definitely more.  Put excess furniture in your garage, storage locker, or at a friend’s house.

7) In the kitchen, clear all unnecessary objects from the countertops. If it hasn’t been used in months, box it or put it away. Clear refrigerator fronts of messages, magnets, photos, calendars and artwork. They won’t come with the house and the idea is to make your home look like a model house,  A house that the buyers can imagine themselves in.

Here is another home selling article to browse through, What will my costs be selling your home.

Let me be the one to help you sell your West Bloomfield Home when the time comes.  Or goal is to market your home extensively on the internet so you can get more buyers and sell your home for top dollar.   The suggestions I have listed above can & will make all the difference in the world. I can be reached on my cell (248)310-6239. For more information go to one of my websites.

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If you have had a dream of owning a lake home someday.  Why wait start today.  Here are a few lake links to check out:

Whether you are buying or selling being educated about the process will help make your next move easier.  Sometimes we are real estate agents deal with these issues so much that it is a common occurrence, but to you it may be scary or confusing.  Reading up on what can happen in the real estate process may make your next move simpler.

May life always treat you and your family well.

Russ Ravary
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