Planning the sale of your Metro Detroit home

Planning the sale of your Metro Detroit home

No you just don’t put your home on the market, you need to plan the sale of your Metro Detroit home.  You need to plan ahead. And start before you think you need to.  So it’s best to start today if you can

Now that you have decided to sell your Metro Detroit home, chances are you are caught up in a host of emotions. You may be looking forward to moving up to a new dream house, or facing the uncertainty of a major move across country. You may be reluctant to leave your memories behind or eager to start new adventures. Whatever feelings you are experiencing right now, there are plenty of items that need your attention. You do want the the whole process go more smoothly don’t you..

It is a good idea to place your West Bloomfield home or whatever Metro Detroit home on the market as far in advance as possible of purchasing a new one. The average time on the market for homes for sale in Metro Detroit in 2007 ( a buyers market) was over 6 months.  In 2009 it still is over 3 months.  Don’t think that just because your home is nice that you will be the exception, and sell yours quickly.

Everybody thinks their house is the best.  You need an outside opinion.  A neutral opinion.  That’s where my job comes in.  It’s part of my job to tell you what you need to do to help sell your house.  Sure you may love that wall paper, but it has to go.  It will pay to listen and do what we suggest.  I have seen thousands of Metro Detroit homes for sale.  I know what home buyers in Michigan are looking for.

If you find a new Waterfront home in West Bloomfield first and then try to sell your present home, you may wind up with two mortgages. It is not a predicament that you want to get into.

how to sell your home quicker

Keep in mind that when people move, sell and buy, there usually is a domino effect. Closing and moving dates have to be coordinated, and the more firmly everyone commits to a window of dates and sticks to them, the better for all involved. if you absolutely have to be moved by a certain date, put all agreements about dates in writing, and protect yourself by negotiating financial penalties for failure to comply.  Specify a certain dollar amount for failure to close, or failure to move out by a certain date.  Be sure the money is escrowed by the title company so you do not have to chase somebody for the money.

[wnt_grid keyid=”1″ title=”Homes for sale in Commerce MI $200,000 – $400,000″ maptype=”disabled” ownertype=”all” paginated=”true” sortoptions=”true” maxresults=”45″ search_mode=”form” primarysearchtype=”active” searchtype=”city” state=”MI” single_family=”y” condo=”y” min_price=”200000″ max_price=”400000″ listing_status=”Active” county=”Oakland” city=”Commerce,Commerce Township” /]

Also after closing give yourself a day or two before scheduling movers.  You would be surprised at how many people are stressed out when a closing is delayed or rescheduled.  Things happen, banks, mortgage companies, title companies, inspections sometimes get behind and closings have to be delayed.  Safe yourself the aggravation and schedule move in a few days later.  You will be less stressed when moving into your new West Bloomfield home, or whatever Michigan home you buy.

What ever you do start to plan and get your home ready to sell today!


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