How to reduce your Michigan property tax assessment
How to reduce your Michigan property tax assessment
It doesn’t matter whether you are a Northville home owner, West Bloomfield landlord, or a Canton real estate investor everybody wants to reduce your Michigan property tax assessment and pay lower property taxes. Here is a way to learn what to do in order tolower your property taxes.
REIA of Oakland County Michigan is community of real estate investors that looks to educate and inform its members on how to be a successful and profitable real estate while obeying local and state laws. It is a great association to join if you have Oakland County investment properties or thinking of buying some real estate investments. This class is open to the public and will help you to learn how to fight “city hall” and your Michigan property tax Assessment
REIA of Oakland
A Non-Profit Real Estate Investment Group
Serving Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb Counties January 14th, 2010
Proudly Presents
Strategies for Michigan Property Tax Assessment Appeals with Harold Hoyt
Due to the economic challenges we are facing in Michigan, property tax assessments have become an important topic for investors and homeowners alike. Harold Hoyt is a principal with Professional Property Tax Appeals, Inc. He will be presenting the procedures for appealing your Michigan property tax assessment.
They include:
-Analyzing and assembling appeal documents
-Presenting your case to local board of review
-Reviewing results from local board
-Petitioning the Michigan Tax Tribunal if necessary
Harold will be discussing the procedures and deadlines for filings up to and including the Michigan Tax Tribunal. Be sure not to miss this one as there are new laws this year. Bring your questions and join us at our January meeting.
There will be a question and answer period after the presentations.
Meeting Location Michigan State University Management Education Center 811 W. Square Lake Road Troy, MI 48098
Meeting Schedule January 14, 2010 5:30pm – 7:15pm Early Bird Q&A and Vendor Expo7:15pm – 9:30pm General Membership Meeting and Guest Speaker
The public is welcome to attend at any of the above times.
It is not necessary to attend all night.
_________________________________ Cost REIA of Oakland Member – FREE Non-member – $20.00 _________________________________
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About REIA of Oakland
Thank you for your interest in the Real Estate Investors Association of Oakland. REIA of Oakland is a non-profit organization founded in 1981 run entirely by volunteers. Our goals include providing education to our members, providing professional networking, and monitoring the political and legislative environment as it affects the real estate investment business. Our meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at the MSU Management Education Center in Troy, 811 West Square Lake Road Troy, MI 48098
The meetings begin at 6:00pm with an hour of networking and an informal Early Bird Q&A session. The seminar portion of the meeting runs from 7:15-9:30pm. Each month we have a different guest speaker, including national speakers on topics useful to real estate investors. The formal presentation is followed by a question and answer session.
In addition to free admission to our monthly meetings, joining REIA has many benefits for real estate investors from novice to pro. Visit our membership page for more details about the benefits of membership.
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I have to been some of these meetings and I am always amazed how nice this group is. They are always glad to answer anybodies questions.
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