Ah the holidays are over
As much as I love Christmas and the holidays after they are over I am worn out. Marianne and I have been going non-stop it seems. The holidays are like a vacation. You need another vacation to relax after them!
Christmas eve we were at Marianne’s mom’s house, Christmas day of course was busy, then we saw friends and family every night including New Years Eve. We even saw Jersey Boys at the Fisher Theater. ( I would recommend that show….it was great) Now most of the nights weren’t super late, but when you go that many days in a row fatigue sets in. Today we just lounged around and took it easy. Now comes the chores of taking all the decorations down.
Time to try to keep some of those New Years resolutions. Time to go back to work. Yes I didn’t win that big lotto jackpot back in December so I am back to the working ranks.
I hope you had a great holiday season. I know many people don’t celebrate Christmas but I hope each and every one of you enjoyed the time off.
My quote of the day is:
Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. -Oprah Winfrey
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