Moving, Moving, to Michigan

Moving, Moving, to Michigan











I had been in my house for 22 years before I moved.  When I moved, it gave me a new prospective on my clients moves.  My first question to myself was:  WHERE DID I GET ALL THIS JUNK????  Over the years we accumulate so much stuff.  Then we do not throw some of it out because we “might” need it or use it in the future.

Well let me tell you I was overwhelmed.  I started going through closets, drawers and getting rid of “all that good stuff”.  Even my garage was that was way.  I had scraps of board, pieces of pipes, left over wire that someday I might need.

All I know is that the Livonia garbage men did not like me for a few weeks.  I was embarrassed at how much I put out at the road.  So the best advice I can give anybody is to start going through your belongings early.  You will not believe how much you have accumulated over the years.  So get started early!







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