Laurel Park South Subdivision Livonia MI
Laurel Park South Subdivision Livonia MI
Here are a list of 9 homes that have sold within the last year. Laurel Park South Subdivision Livonia Michigan has about 336 homes in the subdivision. Most of the homes have brick exteriors, 2 car garages, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 + bathrooms, basements. What a nice area to live and raise a family. The Livonia schools are good and is a well up kept area. Give me a call on my cell (248)310-6239 if you want an experienced real estate agent to help you find that home you have been looking for in Livonia Michigan Laurel Park South Subdivision. For additional information on the area and counties go to the side links. As of 8-6-12
37745 BLOOMFIELD DR | 1500 | 1500 | 12 | 1.019 | 1472 | 1980 | N |
38240 BLOOMFIELD DR | 165000 | 155000 | 41 | 104.5883 | 1482 | 1979 | N |
16609 MARSHA ST | 170000 | 160000 | 188 | 100 | 1600 | 1985 | Y |
37625 BRISTOL CT | 179900 | 165000 | 116 | 102.8037 | 1605 | 1983 | Y |
15989 BLUE SKIES DR | 219900 | 200000 | 49 | 105.2631 | 1900 | 1983 | N |
16162 BLUE SKIES DR | 209900 | 200000 | 126 | 90.009 | 2222 | 1983 | Y |
38235 MALLORY DR | 219869 | 210000 | 58 | 95.8029 | 2192 | 1980 | N |
15981 HOUGHTON DR | 219900 | 222000 | 98 | 99.3288 | 2235 | 1985 | N |
16053 HOUGHTON DR | 238000 | 231500 | 33 | 101.9374 | 2271 | 1985 | N |
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