Duck Lake Highland Twp MI
Duck Lake Highland Twp MI
Below you will find 7 sold homes in the last 6 months at Duck Lake Highland Twp Michigan. Most of the homes have been torn down and re-built. The newer built brick colonials has three car garage with walkout basements. Duck Lake is located in Highland Township Oakland County MI. It is South of White Lake Rd, West of Duck Lake Rd, North of Wardlow Rd and East of Harvey Lake Rd. If your looking for a private all sports lake then Duck Lake in Highland Twp Michigan is the lake for you. The size is 253 acres and 31 feet deep. Give me a call on my cell (248) 310-6239 if you are thinking of buying in Highland Twp ,Michigan Duck Lake or any other lakes that you may have in mind and I will be happy to help you. For more information on other Oakland County Lakes log on to As of 8-6-12.
2835 MOTORISTS DR | 1100 | 1100 | 19 | 0.9803 | 1122 | 1957 | N |
1590 WHITE LAKE RD | 179988 | 172500 | 1785 | 78.9835 | 2184 | 1988 | N |
3710 KINGSWAY DR | 209900 | 200000 | 20 | 148.5884 | 1346 | 1960 | N |
2321 DAVISTA DR | 215000 | 215000 | 11 | 129.44 | 1661 | 1960 | N |
4565 CHEVRON DR | 287900 | 288000 | 2 | 125.7641 | 2290 | 1975 | N |
4340 CHEVRON DR | 449000 | 300000 | 32 | 120 | 2500 | 1974 | Y |
3260 RAMADA DR | 599999 | 475000 | 24 | 142.7283 | 3328 | 1975 | N |
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