Greenwood Oaks Subdivision Novi MI


Greenwood Oaks Subdivision Novi MI

In the last year there has been 3 home sold at Greenwood Oaks Subdivision Novi Michigan . This is an exclusive Novi subdivision.  Popular Novi Michigan subdivision with many homes, 1/2 acres lots.Greenwood Oaks Subdivision Novi Michigan features tree lined streets and a cozy neighborhood feel. It has approximately 119 homes in it.  The Greenwood Oaks Subdivision Novi Michigan homes were built during the years of 1991 -1999. Most of the homes are mostly colonial and cape cod style and have brick exteriors, 2 & 3 car garages, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 + bathrooms, basements (some daylight). Square footage of the homes range from 2600 – 3200 square ft.



24251 LYNWOOD DR29000028000031107.692326001992N
24435 NANTUCKET DR3250003380005132.966125421994N
24335 LYNWOOD DR42490041500044135.709630581992N

Thinking of moving to Novi Michigan due to relocation?  Give me a call on my cell (248)310-6239 and I will be happy to show you around Greenwood Oaks Subdivision Novi Michigan or any other subdivisions you may have in mind.  For more information go to the links on the side for relocation info.








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