Williams Lake Waterford MI
Williams Lake Waterford MI
I have listed for you below 11 homes sold on Williams Lake Waterford Michigan in the last year. Quite a few homes sold within that time span due to the popularity of Williams Lake in Waterford Michigan. There are 800 square foot ranches and bungalows that were built in the 1920’s. There is 660 square foot ranch on Williams Lake Waterford Michigan and even 3300 and 5300 square foot ranch with a few colonials in the 2000 square foot range. Willams Lake in Waterford Michigan is a private all sports lake with 155 acres in size and 45 ft in depth. The lake is a sea horse shaped lake.
If it’s been on your mind to see what the homes on the lake looks like because living on the lake is your passion, call me on my cell (248)310-6239 and I will be happy to show you whatWaterford Michigan Williams Lake and the homes have to offer. As of 8-16-12.
Are you looking for a smaller lake with less boat traffic near Brighton? Then Woodruff Lake Brighton Michigan Waterfront Properties could interest you. On the opposite end is public all sports Lake that has quite a bit of traffic and is very lively on the weekends Pontiac Lake Waterfront Homes! Or Cooley Lake Home Buying! is a smaller private lake too Some of the Best All- Sports Lakes in Highland Twp Michigan 5 great curb appeal tips to draw buyers in the door Why are you mad at that Northville Real estate agent? Dreams and Metro Detroit homes Slalom water ski courses on Oakland County lakes in Michigan Do not let somebody else get the best home deals. Join my Foreclosure VIP club and get the newest lakefront foreclosures and the newest lakefront listings emailed to you daily.
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