What does CCS mean? – Home buyer tips

What does CCS Mean?  I like my buyers to know what is certain real estate terms mean.

So you are reading the MLS listings I have sent you and you see “CCS”.  What does CCS mean?  “CCS” stands for continue to show.  It means that the seller has a written and signed offer.  But the deal isn’t quite solid yet. It may be CCS for a home inspection.  It may be CCS because the seller or the seller’s agent is nervous about the buyers financing.  It may be CCS because it is a short sale. The seller’s listing agent wants to have back up buyers.  They wants the house to have a back up plan. CCS means that you can’t put in an offer.  It means that you can’t put an offer in and get it accepted.  You can look at the house, but you can’t buy it.  That’s what it means.  I myself don’t recommend to go look at a “CCS” house.  99% of the time it is a waste of time.   It does not matter if it is Homes for sale in Oakland County Michigan, or Wayne County, or Livingston County.  The result is the same.

If it was my brother or sister or my family I would not have them go see the house.  The reason is why get your hope up about a house that you most likely cannot buy.  If you fall in love with the home then you will want to wait and see if it comes back on the market.  It just does not make sense to dream about a home you most likely will never be able to buy.  The only way you want to see a CCS is if it is contingent up sale of another buyers home.  Here are some more home buying tips: Oakland County home buying tips or Buying Southeastern Michigan investment properties or How to buy HUD homes.
An educated home buyer will not get frustrated if they read up on home buyer tips.  If you know what to expect if something goes wrong with the home inspection or if your mortgage company is not going to make the closing date.  We as real estate agents are sometimes so used to situations that we forget that to buyers it is confusing or scary.  To us it is old hat or a common situation.

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