Westland MI city data
What Westland MI is like
Westland MI is what I would call a “blue collar” town in Western Wayne County. Though many white collar workers live in Westland. Westland is just one of many of Metro Detroit suburbs. It is a working mans town. You won’t find any mega mansions here. People are more apt to drive a pickup truck or SUV than a foreign car in this car company suburb.
Sure you might find a Jaguar, Mercedes, or Lexus parked here in the City of Westland but you will see more Fords, Chryslers, and GM vehicles parked in the driveway of Westland residents.
The population of Westland is estimated at 81,283 with a median income of $49,675. 69.3% of Westland’s residents are Democrat and 29.8% are Republican. There are 36,533 households in Westland. The average family size is 3 people.
Westland MI primary home styles are ranches and bungalows with basements. The bungalows are usually about 1000 to 1200 square ft and the ranches range from 1000 up to 1800 square feet. Many of the homes were built in the 1950, 1960s, 1970’s, 1980’s. Though after the 1980’s there have been many nice 1600 – 2500 square foot colonials built.
Currently there are 128 Westland MI foreclosures for sale, and a total of 515 homes for sale in Westland. The homes are ranging in price from $12,000 up to $299,000.
Here are a few sites that have more info about Westland
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Russ Ravary your local Westland Realtor
Westland real estate blog
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