Wayne County real estate statistics

Wayne County MI Real Estate Sales Statistics
as of December 2008
 Wayne County MI single family homes
 Time PeriodNumber of SalesMedian Sale Price
 Oct 20081,181$95,000
 Oct 20071,718$115,000
 Sep 20081,226$105,000
 Sep 20071,308$110,000
 2008 YTD12,566$102,500
 Wayne County MI condos
 Time PeriodNumber of SalesMedian Sale Price
 Oct 2008158$132,700
 Oct 2007106$143,028
 Sep 2008228$143,300
 Sep 200759$148,000
 2008 YTD1,635$140,000
How to prepare your home for sale

You will notice the number of Wayne County homes that sold dropped from 2007 to 2008 during the months of October and September.  The home prices also dropped.
Though it was the opposite for Wayne county Condos.  Wayne County condo prices dropped and there were more condos sold in 2008 than 2009 during the months of October and September.

My quote of the day:

I think the worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades…   Unknown


Photos, Comps. and Listing Information Courtesy of Realcomp II Ltd.

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