Livingston County real estate statistics

LIVINGSTON County MI home sales and condo sales statistics December 2008

Get something extra when you buy a home with Russ
 Livingston County Single Family Residence
 Time PeriodNumber of SalesMedian Sale Price
 Oct 2008158$144,946
 Oct 2007138$187,500
 Sep 2008159$163,000
 Sep 2007162$191,500
 2008 YTD1,415$165,000
 Livingston County Condominiums
 Time PeriodNumber of SalesMedian Sale Price
 Oct 200853$164,000
 Oct 200766$196,303
 Sep 200846$176,361
 Sep 200784$218,858
 2008 YTD584$177,000


Livingston County Home sales are a mixed bag from 2007 to 2008 in September Livingston County home sales were down and in October they were up.  But in both months Livingston County home sale prices were down from the previous year in the same months.

But Livingston County condo sales were down from 2007 to 2008 in both September and October.  Sales prices were also down for Livingston County condos.

My quote of the day is:

Actually, we have no problems –
we have opportunities for which we should give thanks…
An error we refuse to correct has many lives.
It takes courage to face one’s own shortcomings,
and wisdom to do something about them.

*Edgar Cayce*


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