Northville homes for sale

Northville Real estate update


Thinking of Moving to Northville and want to know what the real estate market is like

Northville MI Homes for Sale Price Statistics

Price RangeNumber of ListingsDays on Market
12,000 to 212,00021138
212,001 to 412,00064148
412,001 to 612,00068258
612,001 to 812,00032205
812,001 to 1,012,00013215
1,012,001 to 1,212,0007163
1,212,001 to 1,412,0003461
1,412,001 to 1,612,0004239
1,612,001 to 1,812,0002281
1,812,001 to 2,012,0006196
2,012,001 to 2,212,00000
2,212,001 to 2,412,00000
2,412,001 to 2,612,000175
2,612,001 to 2,812,00000
2,812,001 to 3,012,00000
3,012,001 to 3,212,00000
3,212,001 to 3,412,00000
3,412,001 to 3,612,00000
3,612,001 to 3,812,00000
3,812,001 to 3,999,0002177

For the 223 Northville homes fors sales listings:For the 25 Sold listings:
Average List Price$611,248.00Average Sold Price$422,847.00
Median List Price$475,000.00Median Sold Price$361,000.00
Highest List Price$3,999,000.00Highest Sold Price$1,337,948.00
Lowest List Price$54,900.00Lowest Sold Price$100,000.00
List Volume$136,308,300.00Sales Volume$10,571,170.00
Avg. Days On Market201Avg. Days On Market177

Only 25 Northville homes have sold in the last 30 days.  There are 233 Northville homes for sale that have been on the market for over 201 days.  Even the Northville homes that have sold took almost 6 months on the average to sell.  It pays to have your Northville home prepared to sell.  Call me on my cell to get ideas on how to prepare your home for sale.

Here is the update on Northville foreclosures


Northville Foreclosures Price Statistics

Northville Foreclosure Price RangeNumber of ListingsDays on Market
50,000 to 100,0003137
100,001 to 150,000167
150,001 to 200,000214
200,001 to 250,00000
250,001 to 300,00000
300,001 to 350,0001287
350,001 to 400,000247
400,001 to 450,000345
450,001 to 500,0003151
500,001 to 550,00000
550,001 to 600,00000
600,001 to 650,00000
650,001 to 700,00000
700,001 to 750,000156
750,001 to 800,000114
800,001 to 850,00000
850,001 to 879,9001141

For the 18 Northville foreclosure listings:For the 7 Northville foreclosure Sold listings:
Average List Price$394,897.00Average Sold Price$348,314.00
Median List Price$399,325.00Median Sold Price$368,200.00
Highest List Price$879,900.00Highest Sold Price$725,000.00
Lowest List Price$54,900.00Lowest Sold Price$100,000.00
List Volume$7,108,150.00Sales Volume$2,438,200.00
Avg. Days On Market93Avg. Days On Market63

If look at the Northville home statistics you will notice that there was only 25 homes that sold in Northville and 7 of them were Northville foreclosures.  That means 28% of Northville homes that were sold were foreclosures.  Luckily there are not that many Northville foreclosures on the market right now.  Compared to most of the Metro Detroit real estate Market Northville does not have as many foreclosures as other cities.  Which is good because the foreclosures will not dropNorthvilles home prices as dramatically.


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