Voorheis Lake Orion Township MI
Voorheis Lake Orion Township MI
Below you can see there have been 2 homes that have sold in the last 2 years at Voorheis Lake Orion Township Michigan. The homes on Voorheis Lake Orion Township Michigan are very nice homes, great school district, Lake Orion schools. Lake Orion Township Michigan Voorheis Lake homes were built between 1968 – 1990. The majority of Voorhies Lake Orion Township Michigan real estate are between 2000 – 3000 square feet, a few that are 4000- 5000 square foot homes. The home styles are cape cods,colonial, contemporary, ranches and split levels. The lake is a private all sports lake with 182 acres in size. Have you always wanted to live on a lake? Now is the time. Give me a call on my cell (248)310-6239 if you feel it’s time to buy on Voorheis Lake Orion Township Michigan. Or if interested in any other Oakland County lakes go to http://www.michiganlakerealestatehomes.com. As of 8-13.12
3423 BLASSER DR | 124825 | 100000 | 111 | 66.6666 | 1500 | 1976 | N |
2720 CEDAR KEY DR | 275000 | 268000 | 44 | 92.4137 | 2900 | 1987 | N |
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