Plymouth Township Michigan foreclosures as of 5-24-13


Plymouth Township Michigan


CNN Money named Plymouth Township as one of the top 100 places to live.  It placed No. 37 on the list.  Plymouth Township has over 28,200 residents and it’s area is 15.9 square miles.  Plymouth Township surrounds the city of Plymouth.  The township is mostly residential though is does have a commercial corridor along M-14 and I-275. Plymouth has a quaint downtown area that people just love to stroll, which is one of the many attractions of Plymouth and why people love to live here. Plymouth township Michigan foreclosures are one way to accomplish that dream!

If you are interested in Plymouth Township Michigan foreclosures I have some information you may be interested in. I have a list below that shows Plymouth Township Michigan foreclosures as of today, 5-24-13. As you can see, there are 3 homes in foreclosure with an average price of $134,933 and an average time on the market of only 27 days.


11666 N HAGGERTY   RD131824YY50X13063.0482
8807 TAVISTOCK DR131218YY75X119106.6502
9266 NORTHERN AVE1.131274YY50X125125.5102

If you have a Michigan relocation in your future Plymouth and Plymouth Township Michigan are cities you might want to investigate further.  Warm friendly towns close to the expressways make it an ideal place to relocate to.  If you have any questions regarding Plymouth Township foreclosures or any other city in Southeast Michigan please feel free to give me a call on my cell at 248-310-6239. I’m here to help you!

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