Livonia Michigan Foreclosures as of 5-30-13

Over the years, Livonia has earned accolades. It has been named as the Second Best Kid Friendly Place in the Nation by Population Connection; the Second Least Economic Stressful by the American City Business Journals; and one of the top 50 Green Cities in the U.S. by Popular Science in 2008. Livonians can take pride in this being a great place to live, work, learn and play! Which makes it all the more difficult to find and purchase a Livonia Michigan foreclosure before it’s gone.

Currently, there are 25 Livonia Michigan foreclosures on the market with an average price of $111,742. These Livonia foreclosures have been on the market for an average of only 54 days. The complete list is below:

20130 ANGLING ST12864YY155X21240.5092
19403 SAINT FRANCIS   ST13988YN47X13041.4979
19020 FLORAL ST12996NY70X13750.1004
20104 FLORAL ST13978NN40X14053.3742
30981 WENTWORTH ST121236NY100X29447.7346
17527 LATHERS ST121016NY90X18163.4842
10021 GARVETT ST13950YY50X14073.5789
19822 DEERING ST131060YY35X13073.5849
20043 MAPLEWOOD ST1.131450YY62X13362
31642 JOY RD131026YY55X16688.1578
10024 ARCOLA ST131036YY60X13091.6988
15540 HIDDEN LN131689NN320X10059.1474
19511 MERRIMAN RD1.131299YY60X12080.7544
28271 N CLEMENTS   CIR1.13945YY50X130113.7566
14757 MERRIMAN RD231108NY80X11097.9241
14981 NEWBURGH RD2.152209NN65 X 12049.3435
9997 MILBURN ST231026YY55X120116.3742
29421 LORI ST1.131616NN63X11576.9183
34050 WADSWORTH ST131495NY80X15684.6822
30952 SCHOOLCRAFT1.131465YY100 X 17092.0819
14006 BAINBRIDGE   ST1.131516YY70X120101.5831
36303 CURTIS RD2.141874NY80X12095.9978
11305 AUBURNDALE   ST2.141911YY40X14399.372
34274 WOOD ST1.132577YY80X12983.3915
37009 7 MILE RD2.132495YY90X140118.2364

As your Real Estate agent serving Livonia and nearby areas, I have access to the latest inventory and market data to get you the most attractive deals. Please call or email me if you are:

  • Interested in any of the foreclosures on this list.
  • Would like to set up an automated email that will search homes according to your criteria.
  • Would like more information on purchasing a foreclosed home.

I am here to help you.

Russ Ravary

Do not let somebody else get the best home deals.  Join my Foreclosure VIP club and get the newest lakefront foreclosures and the newest lakefront listings emailed to you daily.



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