Oakland County real estate statistics

OAKLAND County MI real estate statisticsDecember 2008
 Oakland County Single Family Residence
 Time PeriodNumber of SalesMedian Sale Price
 Oct 2008905$160,000
 Oct 2007856$175,000
 Sep 2008922$174,450
 Sep 2007753$185,000
 2008 YTD8,224$170,000
 Oakland County Condominiums
 Time PeriodNumber of SalesMedian Sale Price
 Oct 2008227$140,835
 Oct 2007291$191,000
 Sep 2008144$141,000
 Sep 2007321$204,464
 2008 YTD1,713$150,000

The number of Oakland County MI homes sold rose in 2008 as compared to 2007 during the months of September and October.  Oakland County home prices continued to fall slightly during the same period.

However it was the opposite for Oakland county condos.  The number of Oakland County Condos sold fell in 2008 as compared to 2007 during the months of September and October.  Oakland Condo prices dropped dramatically during that same period.

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Here is a local Farmington MI bakery:

  Farmington Bakery   http://www.oldworldbread.com   Persian bakery

Over 70 years ago Farmington Bakery was established in downtown Farmington as a traditional neighborhood bakery serving the Farmington community. We have since expanded the type of baked goods that we offer and so have changed the name to Sunflour Bakehaus. We have been proud to own the historic Farmington Bakery for the last 9 years and will keep the traditions of service and great baked goods at home at Sunflour Bakehaus.

Comps, and real estate statistics provided courtesy of RealComp II LTd



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