Mortgage closing costs – recording fees
Watch out for hidden fees on your mortgage
Recording fees are common on the HUD 1 settlement statement for Metro Detroit real estate closings.
Unfortunately recording fees are a necessary fee for mortgage closing costs. And recording fees vary because it depends on the County that the Michigan mortgage is closed in. What recording fees consist of are the fees the Metro Detroit county charges for recording the mortgage and the deed.
The bank of course requires the title company to record the mortgage to secure their interest in the property. And of course you have to pay for the recording of the mortgage as part of the closing costs. The County also charges for recording of the deed. Depending on whether it is Wayne County, Oakland County, or Livingston County each county charges per page recorded. So depending on how long your banks mortgage document is determines how much the recording feeis. Some mortgage documents are 13 pages, some are more.
Of course the title company may put in a little charge for having their employee take the time to run the documents down to get recorded.
The average cost for recording fees are usually $90 -$110. But remember this is an average not an absolute guide.
My quote of the day:
Difficulties are opportunities to better things,
they are stepping stones to greater experience.
Perhaps some day you will be thankful
for some temporary failure in a particular direction.
When one door closes,
another always opens,
as a natural law it has to be, to balance.
Brian Adams
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