Northville facts and Northville History

Northville Wayne County MI

Northville MI is a city located in Western Wayne County.  I would consider Northville and Northville Twpaffluent cities.

Buchner Hill Northville is the highest point in Wayne County.  Buchner Hill is above High street, south of Hillsdale Middle School, and near Allen Terrace Senior Citizen’s home.  Originally John Buchner had the great idea of selling lots all the way up to the mansion.  He cleared all the trees but never sold lots more than halfway up the hills.  So Buchner Hill became a spot for sledding and tobogganing .  They were able to sled a full half mile down to the fair grounds in as quick as 22 seconds!

In the early 1900’s Henry Ford set up village industries along the Rouge River.  He opened The Ford Valve Plant in the 1920’s.  The plant ran for over a half a century.  It provided valves for many Ford vehicles.  In 1969 over 300 people where employed there turning out about 150,000 valves daily.     The water wheel is still on the side of the hill and ducks still enjoy the spot.. Planet Fitness a popular reasonable Northville Health club is now a resident of the building.


Northville’s only full service gas station has been in business over 50 years. Asher’s Citgo Gas station is located on 7 mile Rd.  When the gas station was opened in the 1950’s there were 3 car dealerships and 14 gas stations.  It originally started out as a Hi-speed gas station which was a brand back then eventually to a Union 76 station.    So if you are in Northville stop buy Asher’s gas station and get your windows washed and your car filled up while you sit inside.

I hope you enjoyed this glimpse of Northville’s past and what is there now.

Russ Ravary your local Northville Real estate specialist

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My quote of the day is:

Perform a random act of kindness for someone:
a smile, compliment, or a favor just for fun.
These will multiply and spread very rapidly.”
Steve Brunkhorst



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