Home inspections
I write about home inspections quite a bit because I feel they are very important to a home buyer. But I am going to look at it from a sellers stand point. I have heard people recommend that a seller get a home inspection. My thoughts on this is don’t waste your time and money. Why would any home buyer take your word or your inspectors word that the house is good. They won’t.
My thoughts on preparing your home for a home inspection. My thoughts are to wait and see what the buyers home inspector comes up with. Then see what the buyer ask for. Sometimes they ask for it to be fixed, sometimes they ask for money, sometimes they don’t ask for anything, or sometimes they don’t want the house.
Most times a problem that kills a deal is a major issue. If you know of a major issue it may be wise to fix it before the home inspector comes. But what ever you do, don’t cover it up or disguise it. Plus if they ask the question on the seller’s disclosure DON’T LIE. TELL THE TRUTH. If you get asked about the problem tell the truth otherwise you are opening yourself up to a lawsuit.
Remember a home inspector is trained to find problems. I am always amazed at what they find that I never noticed. If you have a problem like a basement leak or plumbing issues it may be wise to fix it before the metro Detroit home inspector comes over.
Repairing a poured basement wall is usually easy. And shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. Call a basement wall company they are usually more reasonable in price for the repairs. I have reasonable plumbers, electricians, and basement wall repair people. Feel free to call me for these people.
Bottom line is let the home inspector do his job. Then do what you need to do to sell your home. A major issue needs to be fixed in order for you to sell the home so you might as well get it fixed. Do what you need to do. Negotiate but don’t kill the deal over simple repairs.
Good luck
Russ Ravary your metro Detroit realtor
My quote of the day:
Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.
John F. Kennedy
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