Plymouth Schools MI

Plymouth Canton School System

Most of Canton Township, the City of Plymouth, and Plymouth Townshipresidents send their kids to Plymouth Canton School System.  The system has 16 elementary schools, 5 Middle Schools, and 3 high Schools.  The high school is Plymouth high school.  There are 6 elementary schools in Plymouth Mi.  They are Smith, Isbister, Fiegel, Farrand, Bird, and Allen.  The Middle Schools are West Middle School, Pioneer Middle School, Central Middle School, and East Middle School. There is also Tanger Center is where special Education students go to school.

There are approxaimately 6420 students and 336 teachers in the Plymouth school system.  The student teacher ratio is 19 to 1.

The high schools sit on a 305 acre complex.  It is almost like a college campus where the kids can go to all three high schools depending on their curriculum.  It is a great way for the kids to prepare for college.

The Plymouth/Canton Schools’sports teams participate in the Western Lakes Activities Association. The other schools in the Association include: Farmington, North Farmington, Farmington Harrison; Livonia High schools (Churchill, Franklin, Stevenson); Northville High School; Walled Lake Central, Walled Lake Western; and Wayne-Westland John Glenn.

Plymouth Canton Schools

Plymouth Canton Marching band

Plymouth School Board

454 S. Harvey Street
Plymouth, MI  48170-1717
(734) 416-2700

You can see ratings about Plymouth Canton schools on these different sites

If you are relocating to Michigan I hope this gives you a glimpse of Plymouth MI schools.  Whether you are moving to Michigan from out of state or just moving locally Plymouth school system is a good place to send your kids to learn.  A good place to prepare them for college and life.

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Russ Ravary your Plymouth MI real estate agent


My quote of the day:

I believe that to truly Love, is the ultimate
expression of the will to live. A heart that
truly loves is forever young.

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