The media can suck you in

It is all over the TV, newspapers, and radio Metro Detroit real estate is a buy.  You can buy homes cheap and lenders are accepting low offers.  Unfortunately the media is not always right on everything.

Have you ever noticed how they sensationalize something to get you to watch.  All most people remember is the headlines.  A metro Detroit home buyer should realize that not all foreclosures are a deal.  I saw a Livonia foreclosure that had broken water pipes,  a Canton foreclosurethat had mold in the basement, a Dearborn Heights foreclosure that had the furnace and copper stolen out of it.

What you have to do as a Michigan home buyer is to sit down and figure out how much time and money it will cost you to put the foreclosure back to together.  I recommend both first time home buyers and experienced Michigan home buyers to look at foreclosures and all the homes for sale in your area that you like.

Sometimes nicely updated home will be a better buy than a bank owned home that needs new windows, or needs a roof.

Search Metro Detroit foreclosures and get the latest listings emailed right to you.

Russ Ravary your Metro Detroit real estate specialist feel free to call me or email me with any questions

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