Metro Detroit first time home buyers advice – final part of the series – do it…don’t wait
This is my final blog on Metro Detroit first time home buyers and I hope I got you thru the “looking part” of finding a home all the way up to writing the offer. Another important part of getting you home is don’t procrastinate.
If you have found the home or narrowed the search down to three homes or even one home. MOVE FORWARD. Don’t wait around. Put the offer in. Too many times I have seen home buyers wait around and then lose the house before they ever get their bid in. Too many times the Metro Detroit first time home buyer is looking for the “nicer home and the better priced home”.
Or lose the home because somebody else got the chance to bid on the home. Don’t wait put your bid in as quickly as possible. I have had somebody say they were going to put in a bid after they thought about it over the weekend only to find out the house was sold on Monday morning. They were so upset that somebody else got the house after they decided they wanted it.
Remember you aren’t the only one that is out there looking at the house. Just because the house has been on the market for two months doesn’t mean there isn’t somebody else like you that likes the house right now.
So don’t wait, don’t think too long because the house may be gone. Would you want to start looking all over again.
I hope all this info helps you.For more Metro Detroit first time Home buyers tips see the following articles:
Michigan Relocation – West Bloomfield
Lakes of Northville Subdivision Northville Michigan
Home Buyer tips – West Bloomfield real estate
Metro Detroit foreclosures – Zillow lists the last sale price as low.
5 Home selling tips – Livonia Home
Russ Ravary your Metro Detroit real estate agent
Search Metro Detroit homes for sale
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