Andover Lakes, Plymouth Twp, Michigan
Andover Lakes sub has approximately 220 homes in it. The homes were built during the years of 1996 – 2008.
The homes are mostly Colonial and Cape Cod style homes. Most of the homes have brick exteriors & brick/vinyl & brick/wood exteriors, 2 & 3 car garages, 3-4 bedrooms, 2.5 + bathrooms, basements (some walkout, some regular basements). There are some small ponds which they call lakes. Very natural looking with logs and stumps in them. The lakes/ponds are more of a natural, rustic look than a pristine, manicured look. Ideal for watching birding.
Square footage of the homes range from 1900 – 3300 square ft. The school district is Plymouth Canton Schools. The location of the subdivision is between North Territorial Rd and M-14 and Napier and between Gottfredson.
Current Andover Lakes sub homes for sale as of 12/10/2009
Price | Address City | Bed Bath Style Sq.Ft. | Exterior Basement Garage Size Lot Size/Acres | Year Built Summer Tax Winter Tax School Dist. |
$325,000 | ANDOVER DR PLYMOUTH TWP | 4 3.1 CAPE COD 2,359 | BRICK, VINYL FINISHED, WALKOUT 2 CAR 78X57X135X135/0.21 | 1996 2,986 1,215 PLYMOUTH CANTON |
$339,900 | WENDOVER LOT 19 DR PLYMOUTH TWP | 4 3.2 CAPE COD 2,819 | BRICK PART FIN, WALKOUT 3 CAR 65X150X102X150/0 | 2009 0 0 PLYMOUTH CANTON |
Homes that have sold in Andover Lakes sub in the last six months 12/10/2009
12338 WENDOVER DR | 2100 | 2100 | 9 | 0.7449 | 2819 | 2006 |
12684 WENDOVER CT | 224900 | 507 | 2143 | 1998 | ||
12710 WENDOVER CT | 232900 | 225000 | 150 | 104.993 | 2143 | 1998 |
12588 WENDOVER | 225000 | 227500 | 16 | 113.5796 | 2003 | 1998 |
13455 ANDOVER DR | 229900 | 230000 | 169 | 114.0873 | 2016 | 1997 |
13120 GRAEFIELD CIR | 245000 | 240325 | 40 | 111.779 | 2150 | 2000 |
13033 GRAEFIELD CIR | 269900 | 250000 | 143 | 99.8801 | 2503 | 1998 |
12464 WENDOVER CT | 250000 | 51 | 2638 | 1998 | ||
50913 RICHARD DR | 299900 | 282500 | 110 | 113.6363 | 2486 | 2004 |
12936 ANDOVER DR | 309900 | 290000 | 163 | 123.3517 | 2351 | 1996 |
12653 WENDOVER CT | 290000 | 290000 | 18 | 110.4761 | 2625 | 1998 |
12755 ESSEX CT | 295000 | 292000 | 58 | 108.1481 | 2700 | 2000 |
12428 WENDOVER LOT 20 DR | 349900 | 300000 | 76 | 94.4287 | 3177 | 2009 |
12357 WENDOVER LOT 27 DR | 349900 | 349900 | 87 | 110.1353 | 3177 | 2008 |
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