Lake Orion Orion Twp MI

Lake Orion Orion Twp MI





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A total of 23 homes have been sold in the last year in Lake Orion Orion Twp MI.  These numbers tells you how sought after Orion Twp Michigan Lake Orion actually is. It is a great lake. There is water skiing, water sledding, kiting, and surfboarding, etc.  Many lakefront homes are situated on bays and canals. Lake Orion Orion Twp MI is an all sports lake with 470 aces in size and 58 ft deep with public access.  If you would like additional information about Lake Orion or any other Oakland County Lakes go or if you are thinking of buying on Lake Orion Orion Twp MI give me a call on (248)310-6239. As of 7-26-12.

3069 TALON CIR14501450100.706220531997N
144 N SLATER ST640006400023363.49210081900N
223 LOOKOUT LN64900700004377.77779001940Y
131 N AXFORD ST74900700003058.333312001930N
352 HEIGHTS RD11000010000073994.696910561916N
114 BELLEVUE AVE11990011350024105.092510801950N
305 E JACKSON ST1250001240001068.888818001900N
146 N NORTH SHORE DR12490012490022111.517811201985N
317 HAUXWELL1299001299001375.435517221976N
206 E FLINT ST14490013900013777.566917921918N
454 SHOREWOOD CT170000160000118245.02296531949N
3004 TALON CIR1850001610002888.901118111998N
460 BELLEVUE AVE16300016300010135.38212042006N
1079 ARBROAK WAY1699001950006115.658316861979N
1039 WHEATFIELD DR230000219000690.012324331995N
27 CHAMBERLAIN ST27990027600022202.643113621930N
584 LONGPOINTE DR329900292000148126.079423161930N
3577 MILL CREEK DR324900314000595.702532812003N
304 LAKEVIEW ST34990033500040150.968922191930N
135 N NORTH SHORE DR3400003515007137.519525561993N
1303 MARINA POINTE BLVD44990044500021142.308931271996N
226 BELLEVUE AVE578000538000414167.810332062007N
305 LAKE ST99500095000022169.642856001920N

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