Kingsbury Heights Subdivision Livonia MI


Here are 11 homes sold in the last 365 days in Kingsbury Heights Subdivision Livonia Michigan.  The data below breaks it down to list price, sale price, square footage and year built.  If you are relocating to Metro Detroit Livonia Michigan is a great city to live in.  Kingsbury Heights Subdivision Livonia Michigan has approximately 330 homes in it.  The homes were built during the years of 1959 – 1972.  The homes are mostly colonial, and ranch style.  Most of the homes have brick & Vinyl exteriors, 2 car garages, 3-4 bedrooms, 1 & 2 + bathrooms, basements.  Livonia Michigan Kingsbury Heights Subdivision square footage of the colonial homes range from 1500 – 2400 square ft and square footage of the ranch homes range from 1200 – 1800 square ft.

37281 BRISTOL ST15501500620.769219501969N
36428 ROYCROFT ST92900745009558.523112731960N
15308 WILLIAMS ST1159001070009283.398212831962N
15635 WILLIAMS ST125000121320768.157317801962N
36557 KINGSBURY ST13490013100096102.987412721960N
36560 ROYCROFT ST13990013500087106.048712731960Y
36732 SHERWOOD ST13700013500018105.222112831962N
15411 WILLIAMS ST14990014000013492.715215101961N
15530 COMSTOCK ST16990016000071106.030415091961N
36902 MUNGER ST1899001750004298.314617801968N
36769 SHERWOOD ST21000021050013105.566719941962N

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If you would like to see a current list of Kingsbury Heights homes please give me a call on my cell (248) 310-6239 or email me @  For more information go to  As of 9-5-12.

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