How to sell your home – Farmington Hills 5 home selling tips
![]() These 5 home selling tips will certainly be to your advantage when selling your Farmington Hills Home. Your Farmington Hills Home needs to look amazing and an eye catcher to the potential buyer’s. How to sell your home selling tips are suggestive tips to improve the attractiveness of your home if you really are serious about selling your Farmington Hills Home now or in the future. 1) Wake up prospects to the cozy comforts of your bedrooms. For a spacious look, get rid of excess furniture. Colorful bedspreads and fresh curtains are a must. 2) Open up in the Daytime 3) Let the sun shine in! Pull back your curtains and drapes so prospects can see how bright and cheery your home is. 4) Most of the lawns and shrubbery around town look pretty amazing at this time of year. Lawns that have been limed and fertilized look especially good with the rain we’ve had to keep them happy. There are some issues that staging professionals sometimes have to deal with, however, and here are some pointers. 5) Weed and then mulch all planting areas. Keep lawns freshly cut and edged. Remove all dead plants and shrubs. If a female dog has left tell-tale brown spots on the front lawn, as an emergency measure you can use a can of emerald green #2016 krylon spray paint to “erase” the brown spots right before a showing. Don’t worry, the grass is already dead. This is a quick fix that smart stagers keep in their bag of tricks. Ready to sell? Give me a call on my cell (248) 310-6239. As a realtor that knows all about what the buyers are looking for, and also the sellers views on what it takes to sell your Farmington Hills home. An addition to that if you need any information about buying a home once you do decide to sell your Farmington Hills home log on to A tip to price your Metro Detroit home right How to pick a Michigan loan officer Metro Detroit real estate predictions [wnt_grid keyid=”1″ title=”Condos for sale in Farmington MI” maptype=”disabled” ownertype=”all” paginated=”true” sortoptions=”true” maxresults=”50″ search_mode=”form” primarysearchtype=”active” searchtype=”city” state=”MI” condo=”y” min_price=”0″ max_price=”1000000000″ listing_status=”Active” county=”Oakland” city=”Farmington,Farmington Hills” /]