Northville Millage rates


Here is Northville Millage rates for the summer of 2012

2012 Northville MI Summer Millage Rates

The following are the summer millage rates for Northville Township within the following school districts:

Northville Schools28.559319.5593
Plymouth/Canton Schools39.009321.0093

2011 Northville MI Winter Millage Rates

The following were the winter millage rates for Northville Township within the following school districts:

Northville School22.789213.7892
Plymouth/Canton Schools11.039211.0392

2011 Northville MI Total Millage Rates

The following are the winter millage rates for Northville Township within the following school districts:


Northville School51.448533.4485
Plymouth/Canton Schools49.908531.9085

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