How to get a great home deal in Metro Detroit, Canton Michigan

When looking for Metro Detroit Real estate bargains Canton is a great town to look in.  Whether you are relocating to Michigan or just moving within Michigan Canton has great home buying opportunities.

Canton is a western Suburb of Metro Detroit.  25 – 30 minutes from Downtown Detroit, Michigan.  25 minutes from Detroit Metro airport and 20 minutes to Ann Arbor, Michigan.   Canton Home prices range from $100,000 to $500,000.  Canton has grown and has many subdivisions that were built within the last ten years, so many Canton homes have open layouts and many upscale features.

Many homes for sale in Canton MI are listed for a $100 a square foot.  When I pulled Canton Foreclosures I found 56 homes that ranged in price from $110,000 to $489,000.  Some of these are good homes at great prices.  To get a list emailed to you click on the contact us button above or click on Search Homes button

There are 18 homes listed under $150,000.  Two of these homes are 2000 + square feet.  What a deal on those Canton homes.

For under $200,000 there are 164 Canton Homes for sale.  There are Canton homes to fit any lifestyle.  There are ranches, tri-level, colonials,  So whether you are looking for Canton foreclosures or any Metro Detroit Real Estate you can search for homes free on the Search Homes button or you can search Michigan homes for sale on my other website.

May life bring you a pleasant surprise this week.  Russ Ravary

Here is my quote of the day:

Do all the good you can,

By all the means you can,

In all the ways you can,

In all the places you can,

At all the times you can,

To all the people you can,

As long as ever you can.

John Wesley

 Lake homes on Highland Lake in Highland Township

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