Relocating to Metro Detroit and don’t what the city is like?
When buying Metro Detroit Real estate How do you know which city is a good “fit” for you and your family? If you are relocating to Michigan from out of state you don’t know Metro Detroit real estate, Detroit or any of its suburbs. What is the city like? Will you and your family fit in? Is your family of five school children going to like a neighborhood of senior citizens, probably not. If your family makes $50,000 a year do you think you would feel comfortable in a city where the average income is $150,000. Keeping up with the Jones may not be what you want to do. So when searching Metro Detroit real estate check out the demographics of the area.
Demographics. When you are relocating to Michigan and want to know about Canton Michigan, Livonia Michigan or Plymouth Michigan here are some tips. You might want to know the average age, the average income, the races of the people to see if you are going to like the area or fit in. You dont want to move your 6 kids into an area that 85% of the residents are over 65. Here are outside links and sites to check city info where ever you are moving to in Michigan.
The best way to find out about Metro Detroit real estate is go to the neighborhood 3 -5 different times, at different times of the day. Get out of the car. Walk the neighborhood. Talk to people, talk to the neighbors. That will help you figure out whether ‘you fit in If the neighborhood is full of Mercedes and you drive a Toyota Corolla that might be an indication. There may be no sidewalks and your family love to walk.
For more Michigan relocation information or information on the neighborhoods scroll down the side of the page and click on the appropriate category. Or go to my other website I have lots of great information on Detroit real estate and its suburbs. You can search for homes for sale on this site.
My quote of the day is:
The greatest thing youll ever learn
Is to love and be loved in return.
~ From ‘Unforgettable with Love by Natalie Cole
Have a great day Russ Ravary
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