How much does being on a main road reduce the value of a Farmington Hills home or any Metro Detroit home


How much does being on a main road reduce the value of a Farmington Hills home or any Metro Detroit home








It depend on many different aspects on how much being on a main road reduces the value of the Farmington Hills home or any Metro Detroit home.  Here are some of the vary degrees of being on a main road.

  • Is it a major 4 or 5 lane road?  Or is it a smaller 2 or 3 lane road?  Is it a freeway?
  • Is it a busy road with lots of traffic noise?
  • Is the road to the side of the house?  Are you the first house in the sub?
  • Is the back yard facing the road?  People with children don’t like that many times.
  • Is the road blocked by shrubbery or a wall.   A house with a “barrier” that blocks the view and gives the security of a solid barrier is best.  Homeowners like the security of feeling protected and having a wall or separation from the road.
  • Is the front of the house facing the road?
  • Is the road a gravel road with lots of dust?
  • Is there a hill between the road and the house?

To some people a road doesn’t bother them at all.  To others with kids it does.  One of the biggest things to remember is that a home on a road will be harder to sell in the future.  You have a smaller pool of buyers for Farmington Hills homebecause some people will not even look at a home on a main road.  Whether it is a Farmington Hills home or any other Metro Detroit home a road usually does reduce the value.

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But should you buy a house on a main road?  Sure if you want the house and it fits your needs.  The cost reduction because of the road may get you into a home that you could not otherwise afford.  It may be the home that meets all of your wants.  So don’t let a road stop you from buying the Farmington Hills home.

So now the question is “How much lower should I bid because of the road?”  What makes it a good value now?  But my opinion a front facing home to a busy road can decrease the value of a home up to 10% from a similar home with similar amenities in a subdivision.

I hope this helps you.


16 years of experience and full time Russ Ravary



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