Michigan trivia and interesting Michigan facts series part 4

Michigan trivia and interesting Michigan facts series part 4

Here is more Michigan trivia and some interesting Michigan facts.

Did you know that:

The first drive in gas station opened in 1910 in Detroit, Michigan

The world’s first profession hockey team started in Houghton, MI.  It was started in 1899 and was named the Portage Lake ice hockey team.

The first soda pop made in the United States was Vernor’s ginger ale and was created by accident in 1866 in Detroit.

That Henry Ford wrote and published a childrens book in 1914 called “The Little White Slaver”.  It was his way of exposing the dangers of smoking known at that time.

Michigan Fall Colors photos

The State of Michigan claims to have more tree varieties than all of Europe.

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Before Ervin “Magic” Johnson was called “Magic” he was called “June Bug”.  He was round and was very energetic like the June Bug so his neighbors called him “June Bug”

Michigan has the most registered boats (over 1 million) of any state in the Union

I hope you enjoyed these few Michigan fun facts and Michigan trivia.

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