Home selling tips Commerce MI – Hunting trophies
If you are a hunter and you are selling your Commerce Township home here is the best tip I can give you…..put away your hunting trophies. I know you are proud of your accomplishments. Many hunters put them up all over the wall, but there are many home buyers who are animal lovers. Animal lovers that do not want to see deer heads, stuffed birds, or skulls. There are many animal lovers that hate hunting and hunters. They think hunting is disgusting. I know you do not care what they think. I know you are proud of those heads and birds.
But our goal is to sell your Commerce Township home for the biggest amount of money possible. The way to do that is have your home appeal to the greatest number of buyers. That animal lover may buy your home for full price. So do not make animal rights and hunting an issue. You are moving anyway so why not pack up your animal heads and trophies for a month or too. It is in your best interest to do so. It is in your best FINANCIAL INTEREST TO DO SO.
Pack the heads up, fill the holes in the wall and paint the wall. This wall of skeletons will turn off many women even if they are not animal rights activists. People will not buy a home they cannot identify with. If something is in the house they do not like it turns them off. It eliminates the house.
When there are negative things in a house potential buyers will run out of the house. They eliminate the house before they even go through the whole house. They never see the nice kitchen or the beautiful bathroom. They leave the house because of the hunting trophies.
So do yourself a favor pack up your hunting trophies. Remember it is not about hunting rights or hunting trophies. Our goal is to get your home to sell for the highest price possible. So do not sabotage your home sale put them away for a few weeks until you move into your new home. If you are thinking of selling your home give me a call at (248) 310-6239
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