Home Selling 5 Tips – Commerce Homes
The kitchen has always been the women’s domain. This is probably one of the most important rooms in your Commerce Home that gets the women’s attention. I have listed below 5 home selling tips for the kitchen that will definitely make a difference when you go to sell your Commerce Home. A sparkling clean kitchen is a must when trying to sell your Commerce Home. 1) Strip off any wallpaper or borders and make sure the kitchen and appliances are clean. Clean and tidy up your cabinets. 2) Clean the sink, oven, vent hood and stove top, plus the dishwasher (never leave dirty dishes in it) and refrigerator. De-clutter the fridge as well. 3) Scrub or mop the kitchen floor and make sure the cleaner is appropriate or it’ll streak. 4) Remove the trash can or make sure it’s clean and fresh and not full of stinky garbage. 5) Put away most knick-knacks and countertop appliances to give a clean look and illusion of more space, even if there isn’t. If or when you decide to sell your Commerce Home give me a call on my cell (248) 310-6239, as an experienced realtor I can be an asset to help you get a sold sign put on your home. Michigan Real Estate Investors Castle Gardens Subdivision Livonia MI Search Commerce foreclosures and homes [wnt_grid keyid=”1″ title=”Home for sale in Commerce MI” maptype=”disabled” ownertype=”all” paginated=”true” sortoptions=”true” maxresults=”50″ search_mode=”form” primarysearchtype=”active” searchtype=”city” state=”MI” single_family=”y” condo=”y” min_price=”400000″ max_price=”1000000000″ listing_status=”Active” county=”Oakland” city=”Commerce,Commerce Township” /]