Getting ready to sell your Novi Condo?

Getting ready to sell your Novi Condo?


So you are getting ready to sell your Novi Condo and you know to:

  • paint the walls neutral
  • clean the carpet
  • take down all your family pictures
  • de-clutter counter tops, dressers, and shelves
  • de – ordorize the house
  • get rid of excess furniture and “stuff”

but what about one of the most important things.  You need to get your condo associations by-laws.  EVERY METRO DETROIT CONDO BUYER will be requesting to see the condo association by-laws.  So take the time and gather up your condo’s information.

  1. The name and phone number of the association management
  2. The condo associations by-laws
  3. What is included in your associations fees
  4. What is covered by the association?  Windows, Deck
  5. Pictures of the club house or the pool

So when Getting ready to sell your Novi condo this information about your condo will be needed.  So don’t be scrambling at the last minute to gather this information.  It will help you sell your Novi condo.

It doesn’t matter whether it is a Novi condo, a Canton condo, or any cities condo it’s best to get the information early.

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16 years of experience and full time Russ Ravary


My quote of the day:

Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of your arm … As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands. One for helping yourself, the other for helping others.

Audrey Hepburn
