Foreclosures Novi Michigan

Foreclosures Novi Michigan

In Novi, there is much to be proud of — excellent schools, quality public services, safe neighborhoods, preservation of natural features, solid property values, and continued development. Additionally, in Novi, they are extremely proud of their cultural diversity. More than 60 businesses based in Japan and at least 14 businesses based in Germany call Novi “home” in the United States. Combine these factors with fiscal responsibility and an open government that values and welcomes community involvement, and you have a dynamic, prospering city and a very desirable place to call home.

If you are thinking of purchasing a foreclosure in Novi Michigan, the below information may be of interest to you. I have listed all the foreclosures Novi Michigan that are currently on the market. There are currently 9 foreclosures in Novi Michigan. If you would like to see any of the below homes please don’t hesitate to give me a call on my cell at 248-310-6239. Or just drop me a quick email at I have many years of real estate experience involving foreclosures and the knowledge to help you find the best foreclosure in Novi or any surrounding area. Call me today!


MLSAddressCityCountyPriceDOMBedsBthsTtl Sqft
21311697923582 N RockledgeNoviOakland$89,900N/29/2921.0936
21309647522533 Cranbrooke DriveNoviOakland$114,700N/86/8631.11,254
21311540221346 E Glen Haven CircleNoviOakland$124,900N/34/3432.11,522
21312146720934 W Glen Haven CircleNoviOakland$128,800N/13/1322.11,072
21320286630897 JASPER RidgeNoviOakland$169,900N/2/233.01,353
21308402124371 Surfside RoadNoviOakland$184,900N/118/11831.11,428
213114065111 Charlotte DriveNoviOakland$189,700N/48/9722.01,508
21320283125788 BECK RoadNoviOakland$189,900N/2/231.11,508
21320319328835 SUMMIT DriveNoviOakland$450,000N/1/143.14,347

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