Cedar Springs Subdivision Novi Michigan
Cedar Springs Subdivision Novi Michigan
Have you thought about moving to Novi Michigan? Maybe your job is taking you to Michigan and you have to relocate. Look no further. Cedar Springs Subdivision Novi Michigan is a very beautiful place to consider. The homes are mostly Colonial, Ranch, and Split Level style. Most of the homes have brick/wood & brick/vinyl exteriors, 2 car garages, 3-4 bedrooms, 2 + bathrooms, basements and also if you want to know how many homes that were sold in the last year, the list below provides that, so you have an idea of what is selling out there. Novi Michigan Cedar Springs Subdivision school district is Novi Community Schools which is one of the best in Oakland County. The location of the subdivision is between 10 and 11 mile roads and between Taft and Novi Roads. For more information go to my websites or give me a call on my cell (248)310-6239. As of 7-20-12.
25845 BUCKMINSTER DR | 1700 | 1700 | 7 | 0.7475 | 2274 | 1982 | N |
24451 CHRISTINA LN | 1900 | 1900 | 150 | 0.9824 | 1934 | 1979 | N |
44539 WILLIAMS DR | 2500 | 2300 | 27 | 0.8394 | 2740 | 1991 | N |
25459 SULLIVAN LN | 2265 | 2350 | 1 | 0.8321 | 2824 | 1992 | N |
24686 CHRISTINA LN | 199900 | 189000 | 68 | 86.5384 | 2184 | 1979 | N |
44663 COPLAND LN | 217000 | 200000 | 115 | 94.8316 | 2109 | 1979 | N |
25742 BUCKMINSTER DR | 234900 | 222000 | 41 | 103.9325 | 2136 | 1979 | N |
44465 STONE RD | 240125 | 240000 | 19 | 94.5999 | 2537 | 1991 | N |
25554 KEENAN CT | 306000 | 331000 | 23 | 115.4114 | 2868 | 1991 | N |
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