Tips on selling your Home – Canton Homes
Tips on selling your home – Canton Homes

Selling your Canton home can be quite a handful but with a little help from your friendly realtor that knows what it takes and the tools to use to sell your Canton home. Here are 4 Canton selling tips that maybe helpful when selling your home:
1) Make the rooms spacious, store furniture at a friends house or in a storage locker. Get rid of the extra chair, the overwhelming wall unit, the family hand me down. Open it up more.
2) Closets always store the extra stuff you are not using. Make them appear spacious. Open them up more.
3) De-personalize the house. Take down all the family photos.
4) If you are a hunter take down the mounts. Store them in boxes. If your wife is into county or southwestern themes. De-countryfi it. You don’t want to offend and you want people to picture themselves and their family in your house. They can’t do it if it is themed to something they don’t like.
When the time is right for you to sell your Canton home, give me a call on my cell (248)310-6239 and I would be more than happy to make this transition easy and less stressful as possible. I am a well experienced and friendly agent that will get results and the job done.
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