Canton Michigan demographics – Canton real estate

Canton Michigan demographics – Canton real estate

When you are moving from out of state you might want to know Canton Michigan’s demographics so you know whether you want to buy a piece of Canton real estate.

Social Characteristics of Canton Twp demographicsEstimatePercentU.S.
Averag household size2.882.61
Average family size3.473.20
Population 25 years and over60,229
High school graduate or higher93.284.5%
Bachelor’s degree or higher42.627.4%
Civilian Veterans (civilian population 18 years and over)4,4146.610.1%
Foreign born14,43215.612.5%
Male, Now married, except separated (population 15 years and over)20,87160.252.2%
Female, Now married, except separated (population 15 years and over)20,41856.848.2%
Speak a language other than English at home (population 5 years and over)17,75520.719.6%
Household population92,338
Economic Characteristics EstimatePercentU.S.
In labor force (population 16 years and over)49,85971.765.2%
Mean travel time to work in minutes (workers 16 years and over)26.925.3
Median household income (in 2008 inflation-adjusted dollars)82,51352,175
Median family income (in 2008 inflation-adjusted dollars)94,82863,211
Per capita income (in 2008 inflation-adjusted dollars)33,22127,466
Families below poverty level4.39.6%
Individuals below poverty level6.513.2%
Housing Characteristics EstimatePercentU.S.
Total housing units34,147
Occupied housing units32,05893.988.0%
Owner-occupied housing units25,44079.467.1%
Renter-occupied housing units6,61820.632.9%
Vacant housing units2,0896.112.0%
Owner-occupied homes25,440
Median value (dollars)235,000(X)192,400
ACS Demographic Estimates EstimatePercentU.S.
Total population92,338
Median age (years)35.9(X)36.7
Under 5 years6,5607.16.9%
18 years and over66,47272.075.5%
65 years and over6,9727.612.6%
One race90,46198.097.8%
Black or African American6,9837.612.3%
American Indian and Alaska Native5360.60.8%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander1030.10.1%
Some other race1,0311.15.8%
Two or more races1,8772.02.2%
Hispanic or Latino (of any race)3,0323.315.1%

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Canton is a great place to live if you are relocating to Michigan.  Some of theseCanton demographics may have changed from 2000.  Canton was one of Michigan fastest growing cities in  the early 2000’s.  If anything I would believe that Canton Township Michigan may have more college graduates and the median income may have risen.

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