Don’t wait to buy a Metro Detroit Home if you want the tax credit
Don’t wait to buy a Metro Detroit Home if you want the tax credit
Normally I don’t like to rush people into buying but “I’m saying don’t wait until the last minute to buy a Metro Detroit Home.
The reason I am saying this is because of the first time home buyer tax credit deadline. Last fall right before the deadline, many Metro Detroit area home buyers were scrambling to find homes. Their were many bidding wars. I had one home we lost that had 15 bids on it and another Southfield home we lost that had 11 bids on it. Another Westland home we lost had a $46,000 list price that went for $67,000. Another home we lost by $10,000 to cash buyers.
All my clients ended up getting a home except one. But many of them bid on 3 homes. October was a crazy month to try to get a home. I think home prices edged up during the month of October.
So my advice is if you are a Metro Detroit suburbs first time home buyer and want the tax credit get out there looking now. Don’t wait until the last minute. I think we may see a repeat of bidding wars and slightly higher prices. If you don’t need the home buyer tax credit continue on and take your time.
But don’t wait until the last minute to buy a Metro Detroit home if you need the tax credit.
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Russ Ravary your Livonia real estate agent ( I live in Livonia) but serve all of the Metro Detroit area. In fact tomorrow I start my day at 8:30 am in Royal Oak, Then at 10:30 I am in Romulus, then 1:00 in Canton and 4:30 in West Bloomfield.

My thought of the day is:
The true character of a person comes out when times are tough. Everybody can be cheerful, happy, and nice when times are good. Everybody can give money when they have it. But when people are out of work, or sick, or having personal problems and still give of themselves, not nasty, not downing the people that are trying to help them ( hospital staff, unemployment agency staff) that’s when their true character shows. Anybody can be “NICE” when things are going their way.
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