A little bit about me Russ Ravary

I grew up in Allen Park Michigan which most people consider downriver.  “Downriver of Detroit Michigan” Allen Park was a starter community, a blue collar type of town.  We had a rich area of town, where there were 1500 square foot ranches!!!  Growing up downriver I had friends in Taylor, Southgate, Wyandotte, and Trenton.   I was raised Catholic and went to church at St. Cyril’s and Cabrini.  I spent a lot of weekends with my grandmother who used to take us out on rides to the country on Sunday.  Or across the bridge to Jack Miners bird sanctuary.

Here are some of the memories I have of living downriver

  • going to Elizabeth Park
  • cruising Fort Street and Telegraph
  • Walking the railroad tracks over to the Big Tire on 94
  • the rocket slide in Cunningham Park
  • Or the local fairs with all the carnival rides, where the games cost a nickle or a dime
  • eating at White Castle and A & W
  • Driving down country roads near Flat Rock and Monroe
  • the Dairy Queen on a hot summer night
  • going with my uncle boating out on the Detroit River
  • stopping at the Duffy’s in Canada when out on the boat
  • Shopping at Sears
  • taking the bus to Tiger Stadium
  • Going to Hudsons at Christmas time
  • Going to the high school football games on Friday night
  • taking the Bob-Lo boat for a day of fun
  • The train engine in the park next to Allen Park high school
  • going with the church youth group roller skating
  • Wandering the creeks that ran through Allen Park
  • playing baseball with all the neighborhood kids at the local park
  • playing tag through the neighbor

These are just a few of the memories I have of growing up downriver.  I’m sure many of these things were done by you in a totally different city.  But don’t some of those memories bring back some good times.


My quote of the day:

Enjoy today with your friends and family because that is where tomorrows memories come from.  Enjoy life to the fullest.




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