2288 HOGAN Way, Canton Twp 48188
This is a great home for those looking for a different lifestyle. Do you want to be able to live without the stress of having to keep up with the grass, hedges, or shoveling the side walks during our Michigan winter? This condo will be able to provide you with that lifestyle!
Living in a condo gives you the ability to focus on the things that really matter, like your family, friends, and work. This condo is a great three bedroom and three and a half bath! With a finished basement and cozy up stairs, this condo is completely move in ready. With new carpet being installed on the main floor! This is a neutral environment and is ready for you to personalize it!
Come check out this great condominium for sale by Russ Ravary!
If you are looking for a more relaxing lifestyle,
call Russ Ravary and set up a time to see this great condo for sale now! Russ Ravary is a great realtor and has many years of experience, if you have any more questions about this feel free to give him a call!
(248)310-6239 & yesmyrealtor@gmail.com
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Moving to Michigan???? Here is your own Oakland County relocation guide What to expect when buying a home and more importantly an using a FHA mortgage….The stress of buying FHA. Sometimes people that are moving to Detroit get stressed out because of all the national new about how bad Detroit is. You have to realize that Detroit is just one small part of Michigan. We have so many great safe communities that have very low or little crime. Metro Detroit relocation information, Metro Detroit suburbs is a great place to land. You are not very likely to find any Northville foreclosures in todays market. It is rare to see a foreclosure in Northville come up. Many times it is priced at the current market prices.
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