3 best ways to resolve inspection issues – West Bloomfield real estate

There are 4 ways to resolve inspection issues on West Bloomfield real estate. You want to give the seller a choice of what to do. You don’t want them to just say no or counter offer you. You want them to have multiple choices of what to do. Either this or either that, you don’t want them to pick the fourth choice. Because the fourth choice is to do nothing.![]() 1.) The first choice you give them is to do the work. The seller of the West Bloomfield home can elect to do all the repairs themselves or hire a contractor to do the repairs. They pay for all the repairs. 2.) The second choice is to reduce the purchase price by an amount that the repairs would cost. Most sellers will take that choice because it is less hassle for them. They don’t have to find contractors, get quotes or any of that stuff. They just sign an addendum. 3.) The third choice for the seller is to do counter offer you on amount they will reduce the purchase price to or counter offer you on the amount of items that they will repair. The fourth choice for the seller is to do nothing. They can refuse to do anything. Then it will be your choice as a buyer to buy the house or not. So the best 2 ways to resolve inspections issues on the piece of West Bloomfield real estate you are buying is to do the repairs or lower the purchase price. I hope these Metro Detroit home buying tips help you negotiate a positive ending on inspection problems. The bottom line on the home inspection issues is how bad do you want the home and are these issues deal breakers. Our goal is to get what you want. We never want to discount an inspection issue that you feel is important. After all it is going to be your home. I am not going to live there. I want you to be happy for years to come. I do not want you to have to spend money to fix an issue if we can get the seller to fix it. Where is Canton Michigan and how does it compare to Metro Detroit Real Estate As a Michigan Realtor we see all sorts of Metro Detroit Real Estate. If you are moving to Michigan you may want to know about our local communities. You have want a specific type of city. Do you want a centralized Downtown – Wayne County relocation tips. If you do want a centralized downtown you have many choices in the metro Detroit area. Birmingham, Allen Park, Belleville, Royal Oak, Milford, Plymouth, Rochester are just a few of the communities in Metro Detroit that have centralized downtowns. Here is more information on homes for sale in Milford Michigan. Another topic that is hot for some baby boomers is Retiring and selling your Metro Detroit home because some may have worries about trying to get back the money they lost when they bought the house or from the highs of 2006-2007. It is a tough choice and this article explores your options. Of course we help many home buyers find homes across the metro Detroit area. It is not limited to subdivision homes. We help home buyers find homes with acreage and homes on lakes too. Like Lake homes for sale Silver Lake Waterford or Waterfront properties Mohawk Lake Waterford. These websites will give you a lot of information about individual lakes in Wayne, Oakland, and Livingston County. Here is a list of All sports lakes in Oakland County Michigan Remember we offer a buyers bonus too! Call us today to get started on your home search (248) 310-6239 |
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