Wixom real estate Feb 2013
Are you looking to buy a home in Wixom Michigan right now. Like so many of Metro Detroit’s communities Wixom real estate is hot. So many homes in Wixom are selling quickly. If you are not out there looking right away then many times the homes are being sold before you even get to see them. Here is a quick Wixom real estate update for February 2013.

These best advice I can give for any Wixom real estate buyer is to sign up to a realtor to get the latest home listings emailed to them daily. Two, look at them when they come in and schedule to see them right away. Three, If you like the home put in an offer that same day. Do not wait. You wait the home may be gone.
Those are my tips for Wixom real estate buyers in Feb 2013. It is a hot market. One listing agent told me they had 52 offers on one home!
Or you could let somebody else get the best home deals and take months searching for homes. Join my VIP club and get the newest foreclosures and the newest listings emailed to you daily so you do not see the best deals bought before you see them
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