Why should you buy, instead of rent? Livonia home buying tips


Why should you buy, instead of rent?  Livonia home buying tips

 A home is usually the biggest investment you make in your life.  The equity and the value of your home is one of your biggest assets later in your life.  It is your home to do what you want in.  Want to paint it purple?  You can.  Want 6 dogs, 2 cats and a parakeet?  You can.  Want to have 30 friends over for a party?  You can.  It is your home to decorate and do what you want with.  But that is just one of the many benefits of buying a home.   

 When you rent, you write your monthly check to that landlord you might as well roll down the window of a speeding car and throw the money out the window.  That rent money is gone forever.  Instead of your money going into your landlord’s pocket it is building equity for you.  Buying a home is like a forced savings plan that keeps the money in your hands.  Your pocket or the landlord’s pocket?  Which do you prefer?  When you buy own your Livonia home, you can deduct the cost of your mortgage loan interest from your federal income taxes, and usually from your state taxes. This will save you a lot each year.  Sometimes when you figure out the tax savings you have a cheaper monthly payment than your rent payment.  There are so many benefits.   You can also deduct the property taxes you pay as a homeowner.

The best part is that the value of your Livonia home may go up over the years. Finally, you’ll enjoy having something that’s all yours –   You will not have an apartment manager telling you what to do.  Your home is where your own personal style will come out.   It doesn’t matter whether you are buying a Livonia home or any home in Wayne or Oakland County I think the answer to “why should you buy, instead of rent?” is a easy one.  It is in your financial interest to do so, plus you have a Livonia home you can call your own.  For more Metro Detroit First time home buyer tips click on the link.

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